(671) 653-2584 ourlady.yigo@gmail.com

Ash Wednesday Schedule

Fasting and abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday by all 18 years of age and older, who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday.    GUIDELINES FOR LENT  Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday (Mar 05) and Good Friday (Apr 18) by all 18...

Palm Leaves Needed

If you have blessed palm leaves (from last year or so), we kindly ask you to please drop them off at the office on or before Friday, February 28. See below for more …

TENEBRAE Holy Saturday

Introduction Tenebrae is a Latin word meaning “shadows or darkness.” It designates a special form of prayer that is prayed by the Church on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. The service consists of the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours,...

TENEBRAE Good friday

Introduction Tenebrae is a Latin word meaning “shadows or darkness.” It designates a special form of prayer that is prayed by the Church on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. The service consists of the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours,...