Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
The Parishioners and Clergy cordially invite each and everyone to join us for our annual Fiesta celebration in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes, with nightly Mass at 6:00 pm followed by novena.
There will be no nightly procession.

Friday, February 5, 2021
For those persecuted for their faith
Saturday, February 6
For all world leaders
Sunday, February 7
For those who serve the poor, especially in missionary countries
Monday, February 8
For those who have no one to pray for them
Tuesday, February 9
For Vocations
Wednesday, February 10
For the Military
Thursday, February 11
For the Sick
Friday, February 12
For Engaged and Married Couples
Festal Celebration
Intention: For Peace
Presider and Homilist: Archbishop Michael J. Byrnes, S.T.D.
Please note that there will be no fiesta procession, instead a visitation
of the Centennial Virgin will take place around the village.
Fiesta Sunday, February 14
6:00 am * 8:00 am * 10:00 am * 1:00pm
Indoor Mass (50% capacity); Outdoor Parking Lot and Live Stream